3 Best Home Improvements for Resale ROI

Homeowners looking to sell their home always want to put their best foot forward when it’s time to put their home on the market. It can be easy for new sellers to make bad decisions when sinking money into those last minute home improvements. As a realtor, it’s important to educate those sellers, and let them know that a full kitchen remodel or 10 foot water feature in the back yard may not be the best investment right before selling. We’ve done some research, and found 3 improvements on the top of the list for best home improvements for resale ROI.

Attic Insulation
Average Cost = <$1500
ROI = 108%

Not the sexiest of home improvements on our list, but with the consistently best average return on investment, it can’t be ignored. If the seller’s house is under insulated, making this small investment will never be a bad decision, and it’s a great selling point.

Average Cost = Around $5000
ROI = 100%

If a new seller’s home is just not cutting it in curb appeal, putting some money into landscaping could make all the difference. If the home has a good landscaping structure in place, some DIY landscape improvements may do the trick. The $5000 average cost consists of landscape architect services and materials, and if done well, always has a great return on investment.

Garage Door Replacement
Average Cost = Around $3500
ROI = 99%

If the biggest door on the house has seen better days, don’t hesitate to replace it. Replacing a nasty garage door is the last expense a buyer wants to deal with, and keep in mind the return on the sellers investment is always around 100%.

As with most things, each and every home will possess different challenges prior to being put on the market. From minor bathroom and kitchen updates, to patio and deck installations, there are several home improvements that can net the seller an average of 80% – 90% ROI, and may be that one element that nudges the buyer to BUY.

At Rockford Homes we understand what is important to new home buyers, and realize moving into a new-built home can eliminate some of the unknowns that accompany older homes that need updating. Once your sellers become buyers, be sure to show them a new warrantied Rockford home, and avoid all of those unknowns.

Rockford Homes pays realtors 3% on each Rockford home sold.